For this reason, to get legs that don’t rub against your thighs, you need training, but the surprising thing is that you don’t need to do hours and hours, but the important thing is that you are consistent and train 30 minutes a day.
Normally, when we are looking for firmness and tone in the lower trunk , squats and lunges are the two exercises that are not missing in our routine. However, these exercises do not specifically influence the inner thigh, technically known as the adductor. Thus, there are adductor exercises to train the inner thigh in a very simple way. Here you have the 4 most important exercises and if you want to intensify the work you can add some ankle weights :
Exercises to tone the inner thigh
1. Simple sweep
Perhaps one of the best-known inner thigh exercises , and as its name suggests, it is very easy to perform and is ideal for eliminating fat from the inner thighs. The steps to be carried out are the following:
First of all, lie on your left side with your elbow resting on the floor. Next, stand half up, bend your right knee and place your foot on the floor behind your left leg. Once the above is done you must flex your left foot. Raise your leg as high as you can, and lower it without touching the ground. To be effective you must perform 25 repetitions per leg.
2. Heel pressure
The second exercise for the inner thigh is very similar to the previous one, however the direction of movement will be from front to back , instead of being from bottom to top like the first. The steps you must take will be the following:
In the same position as in the previous exercise, you should raise your left leg about 2 or 3 centimeters off the ground . Do not go too high as in that case the exercise will not be as effective. The second step you must do is flex your left foot. Then bring your knee toward your chest and press your heel while extending your leg without touching the ground. It is important to press with your heel so that the exercise goes well and you get the most out of this workout. Finally, you must perform 25 repetitions for each side.
3. Combo
The “Combo” is perfect for toning the inner thigh, so we advise you to always include it in your abductor exercise routine to train the inner thighs.
To perform this exercise you must place yourself in the same starting position as in the previous ones and raise your left leg about 2-3 centimeters from the ground . As in the second exercise, it will be important that you do not raise your leg excessively. Then bring your left knee towards your chest, while compressing your abs, and then extend your left leg forward, forming an L shape with your body. For this third exercise you will have to do 20 repetitions per leg, as long as you have done the previous ones, otherwise you will have to do 25 repetitions.
4. Ballerina Lift
This is the last exercise for the inner thigh that we recommend you do. To perform this exercise you will need practice since to do it well you will need a minimum of elasticity in your legs , however it is very useful. The steps to follow are:
In the same position as all the thigh exercises mentioned above, you will have to raise your right leg towards the ceiling, holding it by the thigh, calf or heel, depending on the flexibility you have so that it is as vertical as possible. Now raise your left leg straight towards your right leg and then lower it. Repeat this exercise 20 times on each side.
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